Wednesday 11 March 2009

Introducing... waferslim

WaferSlim is a python port of the fitnesse slim server and protocol. Packages for both python2.5 and python3 are distributed through the Python Cheese Shop and the latest source code is available at launchpad.
As well as the code needed to write and run your own fixtures, examples of fixtures for decision, script, query and table tables are provided. While the code is believed to be "feature complete" feedback on 'real world' usage would be welcomed!

Release 0.9 provides:
- a runnable socket server that unpacks slim-protocol messages sent from a fitnesse server and sends back the packed slim-protcol fixture results
- implementations of the slim Import, Make, Call and CallAndAssign instructions
- converter classes and method decorators to make working with native python datatypes easier
- an isolated execution context that dynamically loads systems-under-test in a way that separates them from each other (and opens the door to a fitnesse command runner that does not need to spawn a new process for each suite or page run)
- examples of fixtures for decision, script, query and table tables
- full docstrings and pylint score > 9
- high pycoverage

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